Anticoagulation Service:
Physician Information:

1. What kind of service is this?
Novacare Pharmacy's Anticoagulation Service is a collaborative clinical service whereby the pharmacist measures the patient's INR using point-of-care technology, assesses the patient's anticoagulation history, provides a warfarin dose and schedules the patient's follow-up. If requested, Novacare Pharmacy also offers peri-procedural and peri-operative bridging services and facilitated early discharge from local hospitals.

Novacare Pharmacy WILL NOT provide any of the services listed above without the explicit permission of the patient's most responsible physician. Patients who request our services will be referred back to their physician with an enrollment package.

2. What device are you using? Is it accurate?
Novacare Pharmacy used Roche Diagnostics' Coagucheck XS system, the most commonly used point-of-care device used in Ontario. Several anticoagulation clinics throughout Ontario, both in hospital and within family health teams are utilizing this device. Sick Kids is utilizing this device for patient self-testing, given the large area they service. More information on the Coagucheck XS is available at The device is as accurate and reliable as existing commercial laboratories. A recent analysis conducted by the Ontario Health Technology Advisory Committee concluded that Point-of-Care management results in equivalent or improved anticoagulation control.

3. What is your anticoagulation background?
Anticoagulation Background – Peter Dumo, Pharm.D.

Clinical Service

• 10 years of experience providing inpatient and outpatient anticoagulation services at Herny Ford Hospital, Detroit Medical Center and Windsor Regional Hospital

• more than 10 000 outpatient anticoagulation clinic visits

• experience managing anticoagulation for idiopathic DVT, provoked DVT, atrial fibrillation, mechanical valve patients, recurrent stroke, cardiac thrombus, hypercoagulable states

• experience developing and implementing pre- and post-surgical anticoagulation plans and
pre- and post-procedural anticoagulation

Anticoagulation Project Management

• Implementation and improvement of Harper Hospital “Bridge-out” program

• Implementation of electronic anticoagulation notes and results at the Detroit Medical Center

• Implementation of billing for anticoagulation services at Harper Hospital

• Anticoagulation Clinic Merger at the Detroit Medical Center

Research Publication and Presentations

Garwood CL, Dumo P, Baringhaus SN, Laban KM. Quality of anticoagulation care in patients
discharged from a pharmacist-managed anticoagulation clinic after stabilization of warfarin therapy. Pharmacotherapy 2008. 28;28:20-6

Dumo P, Kielbasa LA. Successful anticoagulation and continuation of tramadol therapy in the setting of a tramadol-warfarin itneraction. Pharmacotherapy 2006. 26;1654-7

Dumo, P, Racine E, Popovic B, Gortney J. Improving bridge-out therapy with low-molecular weight heparin in an urban, inner city medical center. International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis Congress. 2003 Birmingham,England

4. How do I refer a patient?

Please fill out the referral form provided. Key information required includes indication, intensity and duration of anticoagulation, and other medical conditions. We will conduct a comprehensive medication review with the patient and will contact your office for recent INR results and recent Hgb/Hct.

Click here for the Anticoagulation Practice Referral Form...
Click here for the Anticoagulation Management Directive...

For More Information:
Novacare Pharmacy
1275 Walker Road, Suite 3A (Corner of Walker Rd. and Ottawa St.)
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
N8Y 4X9
Tel: 519.946.0303
Fax: 519.946.0306

[email protected]

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